At Glazier Implants + Periodontics, we recognize the significance of quality dental care and are committed to ensuring its affordability and accessibility. We strongly believe in the importance of everyone having the opportunity to achieve a beautiful smile, so we prioritize providing cost-effective dental services. Our dedication to promoting optimal oral health is evident through the various dental financing options we offer, ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder individuals from obtaining essential dental treatments.
Our commitment lies in assisting you and your family to achieve and maintain a radiant and healthy smile. By offering comprehensive and cost-effective dental financing options in Richmond, VA, we aim to help you achieve your desired smile. We understand the financial burden that dental financing costs can bring, and we are dedicated to working closely with you to determine the most suitable course of action.
We accept cash, credit cards, and checks as forms of payment for dental procedures, ensuring convenient options for our patients. All major credit cards are currently accepted.
You can pay between your treatment plans until the treatment is complete. This dental financing option is great for patients who want to avoid paying their entire bill simultaneously but would rather pay overtime. You also have the opportunity to pay right away for your affordable dental work if you would like.
Although we aren’t affiliated with dental insurance providers, we’re still committed to optimizing your benefits. Our team is prepared to handle the filing process and collaborate with your insurance provider to maximize your coverage for dental treatments. We prioritize convenience and affordability to ensure you receive the highest quality dental care without financial stress.
Proceed Finance recognizes that dental implant procedures can represent a substantial financial commitment. That’s precisely why we provide cost-effective dental implant financing featuring fair, fixed interest rates and adaptable terms, which can extend up to 96 months. With the flexibility to borrow up to $60,000 and no need for collateral, our dental financing choices are accessible, regardless of your credit score. The application process is simple, and our dedicated team is ready to assist you every step of the way. Take the first step toward affordable dental financing for your dental needs today. Visit us at or call 844-272-7587 for more information
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I understand the information disclosed in this form may be subject to re-disclosure and may no longer be protected by HIPAA privacy regulations and the HITECH Act.