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Gum Disease - Richmond, VA

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The Grueling Effects of Gum Disease

At Glazier Implants + Periodontics, we understand the severe impact of gum disease, also known as periodontitis, on oral health. Caused by poor oral hygiene leading to bacterial plaque buildup, gum disease can result in inflammation, discomfort, and damage to the soft tissue surrounding the teeth.

Symptoms such as bleeding, receding gums, and tooth sensitivity are common indicators of this condition. To address gum infection effectively, we offer a comprehensive range of treatments. We are dedicated to helping you find the most suitable gingivitis treatment to restore your gum health and enhance your overall oral health.

Gum disease can result in inflammation, discomfort, and damage to the soft tissue surrounding the teeth

gum disease showing warning signs

The Warning Signs of Gum Disease

female with perio talking treatment

Expertise In Gum Disease Matters

At Glazier Implants + Periodontics, Dr. Thomas Glazier is dedicated to effectively treating gum disease and helping you prevent its recurrence. With decades of experience in periodontal care and treating gum disease, we emphasize the importance of preventive measures to maintain gum health, including regular dental cleanings, proper oral hygiene practices, and lifestyle modifications.

We understand that financing dental treatments, including those for gum disease, can concern some patients. That’s why we offer flexible financing options to make quality periodontal care accessible to all. Dr. Glazier works closely with you and your family to explore financing solutions that fit your budget and ensure you receive the care you need to achieve optimal oral health and prevent future complications.

Effective Gum Disease Treatments

Crown lengthening addresses gum disease by reshaping the gum tissue and, in certain situations, the underlying bone. The main objective of this procedure is to uncover a larger area of the tooth’s surface, which is crucial for the successful placement of a dental crown.

A gingival graft, or gum graft, is a surgical procedure used to treat gum recession. During the procedure, tissue is taken from the roof of the mouth or a donor source and transplanted onto areas of gum recession to cover exposed tooth roots.

This helps protect the teeth from further damage, reduce tooth sensitivity, and improve the smile’s overall appearance. Gingival grafts are effective in restoring gum health and preventing future complications associated with gum recession.

Osseous surgery, or pocket reduction surgery, is a common procedure used to treat advanced periodontal disease. During the surgery, the gum tissue is folded back, and the underlying bone is reshaped to eliminate irregularities and reduce the depth of periodontal pockets.

This helps to remove bacteria and tartar buildup, promoting gum tissue regeneration and preventing further bone loss. Osseous surgery can effectively halt periodontal disease progression and improve oral health.

Scaling and root planing is an all-encompassing dental cleaning procedure to address gum disease. This therapy employs a laser to eliminate plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and gum pockets, thereby eradicating detrimental bacteria and toxins. Scaling and root planing treatments are widely recognized as safe and minimally invasive approaches to manage periodontal disease effectively.

Periodontal maintenance is a type of teeth cleaning done after periodontal disease has been diagnosed and treated with scaling and root planning. Also known as a dental deep cleaning, this procedure removes bacteria above and below the gum line. During this cleaning, we will check your gum health and measure the pockets around your teeth.

A gingivectomy is a dental surgery to eliminate or reshape infected gum tissue. This procedure entails the removal of gum tissue at the gum line and is effective in treating issues such as gingivitis. A frenectomy is a surgical procedure performed in the oral cavity to eliminate the frenulum, a narrow tissue strip connecting various structures in the mouth. This surgical intervention is commonly employed to address issues such as closing a gap between teeth, enhancing the tongue’s range of motion, and even improving speech abilities.

Stop gum disease before it’s too late!

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